District Info » Educational Partners Feedback

Educational Partners Feedback

The Beardsley School District is seeking input from the school-community including students, parents, staff, and business partners.

Please use the following link to “Send Suggestions” to the Superintendent.

After public forums end in the Spring, we will continue to engage/consult stakeholders and work to develop a proposed plan for the 2022-2023 school year. The Beardsley School District will present a tentative plan to its District Advisory Counsel and District English Learner Advisory Committee for review and comment; solicit recommendations, feedback, and comments from the public/community; and hold a public hearing during a board meeting before formal submission to the BSD Board of Trustees for adoption.

Beardsley School District (BSD) will offer several Community Public Forums for stakeholder engagement and consultation.  In addition to these Community Public Forums that are open to the general public, BSD will also be meeting with the student, parent, staff, and community groups listed below so as to engage and consult on our current Local Control Accountability Plan during the Educational Partners engagement process:

This is a tentative  2022-2023 LCAP Public Forums schedule for school-community educational partners:

Wednesday, February 16, 2022  5:30 pm. Via zoom      https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87900542345

Monday, February 28, 2022   1:00 p.m via zoom            https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87900542345


Beardsley’s District Advisory Council and District English Learner Advisory Committee have meetings scheduled for:

These meetings are normally scheduled for the BSD board room; however, due to the current pandemic, please check back for an updated location or link to a Zoom Meeting.

  1. August 3, 2021 - 10:00 a.m. - via zoom - please email [email protected] to request a link
  2. October 1, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. - via zoom - please email [email protected] to request a link
  3. December 10, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. - via zoom - please email [email protected] to request a link
  4. February 18, 2022 - 9:00 a.m. - via zoom - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87223548435
  5. June 6, 2022 - 9:00 a.m.

All meetings tentatively scheduled for the BSD Board room located at 1001 Roberts Lane (unless noted below).

Listed below are venues where students, parents, community members have an opportunity to provide input and feedback for Beardsley’s LCAP:
LCAP Public Forums
Principal Partner Day
Student Focus Groups
District Advisory Council
District English Learner Advisory Council (Parents)
SURVEYS: Parents, Staff, Students
Beardsley Teacher’s Association
Principals Advisory Council
Beardsley School Community Foundation (DSSA)
District LCAP Staff Team
Kern County Foster Family Agency Consortium
Beardsley Special Education Department
Community Partners/Organizations
Site Parent Groups (SSCand ELAC)
School Site Council Chairs/Reps
BSD Board of Trustees
Oildale Community Partnership (Standard School District)
NOR Chamber of Commerce (Hodels)
Education Partners (High Schools, Colleges, Universities, county, etc…)

Education Code 52060 (g):  The Governing Board of a School District shall consult with teachers, principals, administrators, other school personnel, local bargaining units of the district, parents, and pupils in developing the Local Control and Accountability Plan.

Education Code 52062:  The superintendent of the school district shall notify members of the public of the opportunity to submit written comments regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the local control and accountability plan or annual update to the local control and accountability plan, using the most efficient method of notification possible. This paragraph shall not require a school district to produce printed notices or to send notices by mail.