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Time 1 Student Math Mindset Survey: Beardsley Elementary

CAASPP Statewide Testing

The Beardsley School District is dedicated to helping our students achieve their academic goals. BSD created this portal to provide students and families with the important testing information they need to better understand test reports sent home each summer.
These guides are a one-page resource for parents and guardians to help understand the student score reports. These guides are available in English, Spanish, Armenian (Eastern), Chinese (simplified and traditional), Hmong, Korean, Pilipino (Tagalog), Punjabi, Russian, and Vietnamese.

Smarted Balanced–Grades 4, 6, and 7 for ELA and Mathematics

Smarted Balanced–Grades 5 and 8 for ELA and Mathematics, and California Standards Test (CST) or California Modified Assessment (CMA) for Science

Student Participation

All students in grades three through eight and grade eleven are to take the Smarter Balance Test in English, Mathematics, and Science each spring.  The exceptions are students who have severe cognitive disabilities and are required to take the CMA, according to their individualized education program (IEP) or 504 plan.  English learners who have been enrolled in a school in the United States for less than 12 months (cumulative) also are excused from taking the ELA sections of the spring tests.

CAASPP History

Signed into law on October 2, 2013, Assembly Bill 484 launched a new student testing system for California’s schools, now called the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP).  The CAASPP system is based on the state’s new California State Standards for English–language arts (ELA) and mathematics, adopted by the State Board of Education in 2010.  This new system replaces the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program that was based on 1997 standards.

The primary goal of the new statewide testing program is to better prepare all students for college and careers in the twenty-first century.  Computer-based assessments, developed through the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, form the cornerstone for CAASPP.